Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mourning the end of an era........

My youngest child starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I'm caught between total melt down with mourning the loss of my BABY and celebrating the beginning of my own daily FREEDOM! My oldest, well she is starting Middle School...what's that, I can hear you all now saying "Oh, Middle School" with that knowing sigh. Can I just say I'm totally scared!
Now don't get me wrong I love my children but at 40 with an 11 year old and a nearly 5 year old I am ready for some FREEDOM! How can I be so excited and dreading it at the same time? While I'm ready for my son the Kindergartner (YIKES) to learn some social skills and fulfill his dream to read I yearn to snuggle him like the two year old he used to be.
Thank goodness my husband is going with me to drop them off their first day. I'll need someone to take pictures and hold my hand. I'm also so glad he's the man he is and this is "that" important to him.
Now to go prep my For The Teacher gift and my son's 5th birthday invitations. Whew...

1 comment:

Denise said...

Goodness! My oldest goes to K next week (after Labor Day) but my little guy stays with me...4 more years until I'm "totally" free. Will try to enjoy it! :) Sounds like our kids are about the same age apart.

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