Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lofty Goal ~> I'm calling it the Scrap-a-mania 500

I've set myself a real LOFTY GOAL of creating 500... yah that is right 500 scrapbook layouts. Now what in the world possessed me to even think of this challenge for myself? Got me...probably that last insomniac 'bout I had. No sleep generally puts me in total OVERLOAD with "NEW" projects. So with the excitement of the up incoming Close To My Heart Autumn/Winter 2007 Idea book release,I though this would be a great time to concentrate on getting my backlog of photo's onto pages.

So in true Italian fashion...er ok so maybe it isn't an Italian thing but just a my Italian family thing that I choose the number 500. Long story short there are over 500 of us when we gather for family events...instead of trying to develope a name for the event we just call the events "The Castaldi 500".

Time frame is from Sept. 1st, 2007 (Autumn/Winter '07 Idea book release date) to January 1st, 2008 (Spring 2008 Idea book release date) That is 4 months to create 500 pages (125 pages a month or 4 pages a day for the next 4 months) eh what have I done? This is to include any size sb page using any products and including digital pages.

Anyhow ~ I've been stocking up on my coupons and today I took the kadoodles out and used all my 40% off coupons to buy page kits, combined with my once a month 4 page sb group, sb workshops, team meeting projects....and by the grace of God I'll get it done.

Root me on as I will be posting them all...er ok only the decent ones. I'm also going to try and either do a project highlight or a technique highlight on the "Good One's". I've installed a ticker at the bottom of the blog to show my status.


Ijsbeer said...

Good Luck!!

Rachel V. said...

WOW! You Go Girl! I'll be watching your ticker.

Deborah said...

You can do it Nina, You then have to teach me how to do it!!!!

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